Borderlands Unitarian Universalist

Amado, Arizona

Who We Are

We are Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Amado, Arizona


to find warmth, kindness, love and compassion. Unitarian Universalist congregations find wisdom from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture and personal experience. Our spiritual inspiration includes Jewish, Muslim, Pagans, Atheist, Humanist, Christian and New Age traditions. We find common values through these diverse paths and sources.


the mysteries of this wide universe and our place in it. We are a curious people, active in discussion, generating ideas and participating in the democratic process.


social justice by our deeds within our church, community and the world. We care for each other in fun times and tough times. We follow our passion to work with migrants on the desert or in shelters. We support the Amado Youth Services, the Green Valley/Amado Food Bank, Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans, El Comedor – Nogelas, Mexico and Casa Alitas – Tucson.

Are You New to Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian and Universalist churches represent some of the oldest and most distinguished religious institutions in the United States. UU churches have provided a bedrock for religious expression from before this nation was founded to the present day.

Five US Presidents were UUs. Other notable UUs include: Benjamin Franklin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Clara Barton, Louisa May Alcott, Julia Ward Howe and Susan B. Anthony among many others.

The Universalist Church of America was founded in 1793. Most notably, Unitarian Universalism has evolved to be a non-creedal religion that welcomes people of all beliefs. Humanism itself became an influential part of the religion in the early 20th century and remains strong to this day.

Unitarian Universalism provides a strong voice for social justice and liberal religion. The Unitarian Universalist Association currently represents approximately 1,000 member congregations in the United States.

The Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Team

BUU Board Members – 2023 – 2024

Michael Karl – President

Lorelei Schober – Vice President

Charlie Golec – Treasurer

Mary Arrigoni – Secretary

Sheila Stewart Glover – Member at Large

Martha House – Member at Large


Tanya Leighton – Member at Large

Past President: Russ Peterson

BUU Committee Chairs:

  • Buildings and Grounds: Russ Peterson
  • Endowment: Charlie Golec
  • Finance: Barbara Lund
  • Hospitality: Barb Meshanko
  • Membership: Jeanne Macauley
  • Nominating Committee: Jeanne Macauley
  • Share the Offering: Deanna Brooks
  • Social Justice: Barbara Lemmon
  • Spiritual Nourishment: Diane Farone and Nancy Murphy
  • Technology: Larry Parker

BUU Work Groups:

  • Auction Committee: Diana King and Deb Mitchell
  • Book Group: Ginny Lopez
  • Forums: Jim Lund
  • Gallery: Deanna Brooks
  • Garden: Jim Hoy and Ken Lopez
  • International Women’s Day: Alice Parker
  • Stewardship Campaign: Tobe Jensen
  • Website Committee: Barbara Lund and Maureen Kirk-Detberner
  • Women’s Retreat: Susan Peterson

Church Administrator: Jermain Lowe


Choir Director: Leslie Carter


Audio-Visual Specialist: Larry Parker


Pianist: Nancy Turner

BUU Choir with Leslie Carter Directing and Jayne Pogan on Piano

Enjoy BUU Rose Garden

We are Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Amado, Arizona. Our members participated in The Hunger Walk