Borderlands Unitarian Universalist

Amado, Arizona


Welcome to Borderlands Unitarian Universalist (BUU)! We want you to feel comfortable while you are here and to have your questions answered. You may participate in all of our services, activities, and committees as a Friend of BUU.

When you decide that you want to become a Voting Member, contact the chairperson of the Membership Team, Jeanne Macauley by completing the contact Membership Team Form at the end of this page. Jeanne will provide you with a New Member packet and arrange to meet with you. Prospective members may also wish to schedule a meeting with our minister. As a guide, the following steps are suggestions for a Path to Membership.


Know that you are welcome here! At Sunday Service, please chat with our friendly Greeters and Congregants.

1. Start by checking out the information table in the hallway to the left of the entrance. You will find a Welcome Visitor to Borderlands UU forms on the Visitor Table in front of the green sign that says, “Visitor Table.”

You can pick one up when you’re in church, download it here, or call Jeanne Macauley (206-595-4858) and she will bring you one. This sheet will let us know whether you would like to receive an email each week to stay informed about what we do.

Also check out the Talent and Skills Form to find a place of engagement you might enjoy. Once you complete that form just leave it on the table.

2. Ask for a Welcome to BUU packet (see contact form at the bottom of the page), read the information at your leisure, fill out forms and return them to the Membership Team chair.

3. Attend our Prospective Member Class for new and longer-term members who want to learn more about UU and BUU. Sessions will be listed on our website and in the Unitel newsletter.


Be sure to check our website for information on Services, Special Events, Forums, Book Club, Caring Clusters, BUU itself, and more.

4. Attend Newcomers’ Social(s) to meet fellow newcomers, along with some long-term members with background in BUU.

5. Let the Membership Team chair and the minister know that you want to join us by speaking to them at Sunday Service or completing the Contact form at the bottom of this page.


Icon of Do I matter? Do I Belong? Am I Safe?

6. Buddy Program: If you would like, we will introduce you to a member with whom you may connect about BUU, Unitarian Universalism (UU), committees and services, or just plain friendship.

7. Attend the New Member Ceremony and sign our BUU book. WELCOME!

Photo of New Members joining BUU in 2024

New BUU Members 2024

Contact Membership Team

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