Borderlands Unitarian Universalist

Amado, Arizona

Spiritual Nourishment

The Worship Arts Team is responsible for planning our Sunday Services, usually serve as worship associates, and offer assistance in establishing spiritually nourishing groups, activities, and events. Diane Farone is the leader of the Team. Contact her here.

Want to get involved? We invite you to help plan and facilitate discussion or study groups. Invite guest speakers or participate as Worship Associates and Worship Leaders during Sunday services.  Recent speakers represented different faiths that are part of our Sources.

Worship Arts Team

The Worship Arts Team makes sure we have services each Sunday. We plan both minister led and lay led services. Every service includes roles for members and friends through Worship Leaders, Worship Associates or other member contributors. Our team meets once a month. The team includes Leslie Carter, our Music Director, as well as members from the congregation.

Diane Farone is its Chair. Nancy Murphy recruits, trains and schedules Worship Associates. Mary Arrigoni, Martha House, Ginny Lopez, and Marilyn Taylor round out the Team. Others who help us carry out our work include those who serve as Greeters (see Lorelei Schober for questions about this excellent way to meet people while serving BUU) and ushers who pass the baskets for our offerings. If you have questions or want to get involved with our activities, you can contact any of our members listed or go click HERE to send a message to Diane Farone.

Small Group Experiences

Small groups come in many forms. Some are called covenant circles, in which a limited number of participants reflect on closely held themes and values. Some encourage self-reflection and sharing deeply with others. Yet others may study a particular topic, book, religion, or philosophy. A recent group learned the enneagram structure, found and described examples of the different personality styles in films.

Another group focused on life review, people sharing their life stories in dyads. Then they shared them with a limited sized, closed group that commits to confidentiality. These groups are led by members.

The Worship Arts Team has suggestions for many topics people would like to explore. If you have suggestions, or if you would like to create a group, please contact any member of the Worship Arts Team for support in putting the pieces together or contact Diane Farone click HERE.

Making Coffee

After Sunday Service coffee and snacks are served during social hour.

Sunday Service

Our Worship Associates help enrich the Sunday Services with readings and ideas to enhance the Sunday Services.

Worship Associates

Worship Associates help with Sunday Services by announcing events.

Sunday Service Offerings

Worship Associates help with the Sunday Service Offerings.

Chalice Lighting

The BUU Worship Associates do the Chalice Lighting at Sunday Service.