Borderlands Unitarian Universalist
Amado, ArizonaWhat's Happening at BUU
Garden Book Meets on Sunday, February 9th, 11:30 AM until approximately 12:30 PM
Upcoming Events:
February 3rd, 1-3:00 Movie: Jimmy Carter Rock and Roll President Cancelled
February 16th, 11:30 Forum: David Hathaway, Sheriff of Santa Cruz County.
Gallery: January to April. See the new art and meet artists.
The annual BUU auction is coming beginning Sunday January 5th. Look for Diana King and Deb Mitchell in the Gallery after the service for information about activities and auction items you’d like to offer or bid on. All donations and bids are on the special auction website. Final day Feb 7th, live auction and dinner Sat. February 8th. See User Guide for all details.
Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Church- Amado, AZ - Sunday Service 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM MST
Join us! ALL are welcome here.
Concert: Peter Ronstadt
Saturday February 15th, 2:00-4:00. Open to the public. Tickets $20 at the door. Hear songs of the southwest.
Women’s Group meets at Arizona Family Restaurant on Tuesdays at 8:00 AM
Men’s Group meets at Posada Java on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM
Meditation Group, Thursdays, 2:00
February 23rd is Carpool Sunday
Town Halls and Tea for the Soul with Pastor Inge
Go to members page to check times or to schedule a meeting with Inge.
Mission Vision Statements
MISSION: On our Borderlands UU path together, our feet are grounded in a welcoming community and our hearts and minds in spiritual seeking, while our hands put love into action through social Justice.
VISION: Borderlands UU is a liberal spiritual beacon lighting the way to serve our community and the common good.
Endowment Funds Requests for 2025 Deadline Feb 28th See Members Page
BAJA 4 Baja 4 Calendar of Events

Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Church Amado Arizona, welcomes you. Come join us whoever you are!
Meet: Be your true self and we will consider this diverse world together.
Explore: Creativity and questions are important in our search for truth and compassion.
Search: Follow your passion and love. Be a source of good will and energy in this vast world.
Find: Warmth, kindness, love and compassion abound at BUU.
Create: Your place is among many others of varying opinions and beliefs.