Borderlands Unitarian Universalist

Amado, Arizona

What's Happening at BUU

The Task Force for Developing BUU’s Mission and Vision - August 18th Sunday Service

Reverend Don Rollins, who serves as a consultant to the BUU Task Group, will lead the service. He will provide the groundwork and the rationale for our work. The congregation will then split into small groups led by task group members and friends to talk about Community, our highest value.

Women's Breakfast

UU Women’s breakfast will meet at AZ Family Restaurant at 8:00 A.M. We will meet every Tuesday morning, and all are welcome to come. It is casual, order off the menu and time to talk and get to know each other better. Please come! Judy Harmer and Jean Sillers

Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Church- Amado, AZ - Sunday Service - 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM MST

Photo of BUU Chalice

Join us!  ALL are welcome here.

Clothing Needed for Border Wall Migrants in Sasabe, AZ

Needed in Sasabe: Hats, Socks and Underwear (new); Cookies or Granola Bars

Casa Alitas: can use children’s clothing (check White Elephant and Animal League). Please don’t bring XL or dressy clothing (give to Dayzee’s instead)

El Comedor needs: T shirts, all sizes except XL. Flip Flops, children’s clothing, socks and Cookies. Pick up after Sunday Services
Que la paz te acompane siempre

Town Halls and Tea for the Soul with Pastor Inge


Town Halls occur on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 2:00 PM in the Sanctuary.

Tea for the Soul occurs the 3rd Thursday of every month at 2:00 PM in the Gallery.

She will also be available to meet with Coffee Chats on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at La Posada Java from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM.

BAJA 4 Baja 4 Calendar of Events

Borderlands Future - These People Are You - See Video Below

Want To Learn More About BUU?

Are You New To Southern Arizona?

Come to Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Church in Amado, Arizona for a visit and see what we are about.

Hospitality - Caring Clusters

Caring Clusters were created to help members connect with those who live nearby.

Our Social Justice Work

Get involved with BUU’s work to support social justice, and our community.

Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Amado, Arizona, Chalice

Borderlands Unitarian Universalist Church Amado Arizona, welcomes you. Come join us whoever you are!

Meet: Be your true self and we will consider this diverse world together.

Explore: Creativity and questions are important in our search for truth and compassion.

Search: Follow your passion and love. Be a source of good will and energy in this vast world.

Find: Warmth, kindness, love and compassion abound at BUU.

Create: Your place is among many others of varying opinions and beliefs.


Sunday Service Photos and Video Sliders