Borderlands Unitarian Universalist

Amado, Arizona

Social Justice Work

Postcard Campaign

As November 5, approaches, we all want to do what we can to encourage participation in this very critical election. Folks here at BUU are asking for another postcard effort. As a church we must remain non-partisan. The Social Justice committee has reviewed various organized efforts. Kristin pointed us to – which focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on issues that matter most to women, moms, and families.

The campaign we will work on is MomsVote, their postcards are pre-addressed and pre-stamped.!! They will be sent to you in September from MomsRising. We will share packets of postcards and add our own personal message on some Sundays after church. Then we mail them at the appointed time frame, not sooner.

After discussion and review of their regulations, the committee chairs felt that the safest method is for folks to make individual orders. Each person may order a pack of either 20 or a pack of 100 postcards, not more. Then you will choose a donation amount – remembering that MomsRising is providing us the cards, the stamps, and the names!! That is a huge savings. Our budget is able to reimburse for that donation if you wish. Be sure to have a printed receipt in that case, or email me your online receipt.

Please go to to review and order your pack. Remember to look at MomsVote.

Watch the church calendar for Postcard Sundays.
Let’s get going !

Barb Lemmon
Judy Sullivan

Their Wild and Precious Lives on the Border

Hello my name is Barb Lemon and I am the chair of the BUU Social Justice Committee. I was invited to speak on May 19, 2024, at the UU Santa Fe New Mexico Church. The invitation came from Rev. Michael Brown and Diane Brown after their visit to BUU. I took them on a drive to see the border east of Sasabe. They are very concerned about the border situation in both Arizona and New Mexico.

The video below is my presentation at the UU in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Those who have seen it, even locals, say that they have learned things. I would be happy to craft a new presentation for other places – even as a zoom presentation, if desired.

Barb Lemmon

 Each Sunday BUU collects items for the Food Bank, Casa Alitas and the El Comedor.

The Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans

Many members of BUU belong to The Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans. As one of the local Humanitarian Aid groups, the Samaritans provides aid to migrants in the desert. The Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans also provides clothing and other resources to aid the immigrants that cross the international border.

Green Valley/Amado Food Bank

From emergency food assistance and community gardens to a culinary training program and a farmers’ market: our programs and services are feeding the hungry today and building a healthy, hunger-free tomorrow.

El Comedor – Nogelas, Mexico

Every year, thousands of migrant men, women and children are deported to Nogales, Sonora, Mexico or arrive in the city fleeing from Central America. They often arrive with only the clothes on their backs and a small plastic bag that contains their belongings. They do not know where to turn to receive a meal, find shelter or to make a phone call.


Casa Alitas – Tucson

The Casa Alitas Program serves migrant families who have left their home countries to escape violence and poverty.

We provide hospitality and humanitarian aid, medical services, short-term shelter and help to reunite with family members in the U.S.

Sharing The Sunday Service Offering

The BUU congregation has contributed, on a weekly basis and for many years, one half of each week’s offerings to local causes that meet our values.