As a seminarian at Starr King School for the Ministry, I am coming into my calling during a time when Unitarian Universalism is in a new phase of growth and transition. This June, our Association will vote on amending Article II of our Bylaws. This is a new stage in a process that began in 2017, when General Assembly delegates expressed the desire to collectively explore and deepen our understanding of who we are as an Association. This spring, we’ll make a new statement of our faith and purposes as we vote on amending Article II.
Two of my core classes at Starr King have been UU History and UU Theology. Those classes created a foundation of understanding that radically changed how I viewed the journey toward a Bylaws change. Supported by a multidisciplinary team of religious professionals, I’ve led the creation of a new resource to engage with these changes, called “Amplifying The Charge.”
Explore Amplifying the Charge
“Amplifying the Charge” is a four-week, small group ministry discussion series paired with resources for worship. The materials invite Unitarian Universalists to learn more about our theology, practice, and governance and to engage with our personal experiences of faith, spirit, and humanity.
This is an opportunity for adult faith formation that supports Unitarian Universalists to deepen their individual, communal, and denominational grounding. We hope that community worship, connected with more intimate faithful conversations, will bring your congregation a collective, shared experience involving as many members as possible.
The “charge” we wish to amplify together is the one given to the Article II Study Commission by the UUA Board when it was formed in 2020. The charge outlined expectations and a process for evaluating our Association Bylaws, that will culminate in a final vote by delegates at General Assembly this June. We hope “Amplifying the Charge” will bring this profound and important discernment into the heart of your congregation or community. We encourage you to use it for learning and worship this spring, in anticipation of the vote at GA.
In faith,
QuianaDenae Perkins is a Unitarian Universalist ministerial candidate. She is a third-year seminarian at Starr King School for the Ministry and currently serves as the Learning Resident for the UUA Mid-America Region.